The rise of the waste-to-energy market

The market research company Maximize Market Research reported on 3 January that the market for energy generation from waste will reach a value of USD 63.1 billion by 2030, from a market value of USD 35.2 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8.68%. “The waste-to-energy market is poised for growth, driven by the increasing adoption of government policies and regulations that promote proper waste disposal and energy generation. Increasing demand for energy in various industries is expected to drive the waste-to-energy market significantly. With the escalating global population, waste generation has increased significantly. According to United Nations projections, the global population is expected to grow to over 9 billion by 2050 and over 11 billion by 2100. Accordingly, waste growth will increase exponentially in the foreseeable future,” the report states.

The European Union must launch an anti-dumping investigation into biodiesel imports from China. According to the report, the agency began investigating whether biodiesel from Indonesia is avoiding EU tariffs by traveling through China and Britain. The latest investigation, which stems from a complaint from producer group European Biodiesel Board (EBB), will cover the period from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

As 2023 wraps up and we prepare to turn to 2024, RFA CEO G. Cooper sat down with podcaster C. Zimmerman to talk about the renewable fuels industry’s many accomplishments over the past year. In short, 2023 was a fantastic year for the industry, and Cooper pointed out that it “could go down as one of the best ever.” Demand for U.S.-made ethanol continued to increase both domestically and internationally in 2023. In fact, consumption reached its highest level since 2019 and ethanol’s share of the gasoline pool (or “blending rate”) set a new record. The industry also achieved key policy victories, including finalizing stringent renewable fuel blending requirements for 2023-2025, emergency waivers allowing uninterrupted E15 sales, impetus for a permanent solution to year-round E15, and uptake the GREET model in the Treasury Department’s guidance on tax credits for sustainable aviation fuel. RFA also showcased the synergies between low-carbon ethanol and electrification at events across the country with its new Ford Escape plug-in hybrid flex-fuel vehicle

China has begun test production of ethanol from coal. With an annual production capacity of 600,000 tons, the plant in southeast China is set to become the largest ethanol production facility in the world. Chinese officials explained that the aim is to use the country’s abundant coal resources instead of vital food crops to produce ethanol, while reducing China’s need for fuel imports. The plant uses technology developed by the DICP in collaboration with the state-owned Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group.

OMV subsidiary OMV Petrom is stepping up its renewable energy activities in Romania. The Austrian oil and gas group has announced that it is acquiring a 50% stake in the largest wind power portfolio in Romania. OMV is also buying the owner of Romania’s largest charging network for electric vehicles, Renovatio Asset Management. As part of the new partnership, OMV Petrom and Renovatio plan to invest around EUR 1.3 billion in renewable energies in Romania by 2027.

Northern Ireland is planning an $11.4 million plant to produce sustainable fuels using patented technology developed in collaboration with NASA. According to the report, the Renovare Fuels site produces nearly 2 million liters of advanced renewable biofuels each year, made from the biogas produced in landfill waste. The company’s latest investment will be developed in partnership with Northern Irish renewable energy operator B9 Energy Control Limited and British biogas expert Powerhouse Management, the report added.

Researchers at the Austrian research institute Wood K Plus have succeeded in converting wood-polymer composites (WPC) into high-quality silicon carbide ceramics (SiC) that offer improved sustainability for the production of high-performance parts for high-temperature applications in power plant turbines and jet engines. The breakthrough, which was achieved as part of the BioC4HiTech project funded by the Austrian “Production of the Future” program, is being hailed as a major advance in the field of biomaterials.

The Australian Environmental Protection Agency has approved an application for a waste-to-energy plant in Anakie. According to the report, Pavilion Biogas Pty Ltd wants to build the plant on Carrs Road to produce organic fertilizer and biofuel. The plant is to be built between two chicken farms on land already owned by the company, it added. More on the topic.

NYK will conduct full-scale trials in Japan from 2024 on the long-term use of biofuels, which are expected to have net zero carbon emissions, in the navigation of its existing heavy oil-fired vessels. Following on from the previous short-term trials, NYK will comprehensively review the safety and stable sourcing of biofuels when used over a long period of time. Through this trial, NYK will establish a safe navigation system using biofuels and promote the development of biofuels to achieve the group’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45% by FY2030 compared to FY2021.

Oil company BP recently received a positive recommendation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its innovative plan to repurpose its former oil refinery in Kwinana, Australia. The project underscores the company’s commitment to producing renewable diesel from vegetable oils and animal fats, according to the report.

According to the growth estimates of the National Corn Ethanol Union (UNEM) in Brazil, corn ethanol production is expected to reach 11 billion liters in 2030/31, up from 6.5 billion liters in 2023/24. In this context, the Brazilian industry has begun to invest in increasing the profitability of operations and becoming a global reference in terms of performance and technology.

A bill has been presented to the Argentine Congress with changes in the biofuels sector. The new regulation aims to eliminate government regulations on the purchase price of raw materials such as corn, soybeans and sugar cane for blending with fossil fuels. The report states that with the new regulation, oil companies will be able to negotiate purchase prices directly with producers without the state acting as an intermediary.

The French Ministry for Energy Transition recently announced the launch of a three-phase tender for methanation plants of more than 25 GWh, which will feed biogas into the grid in 2024. The goal is to develop a production capacity of 1.6 GWh terawatt hours per year (TWh/year). In the first session, which ends on February 15, a capacity volume of 500 TWh is targeted. In June, the Environment Ministry announced a 12% increase in prices for biogas fed into the national grid.

The Pakistani government is reportedly making efforts to set up a solid waste energy plant in the provincial capital on a public-private partnership basis to generate electricity and biogas from domestic waste. The local government secretary, the administrator of the Quetta Metropolitan Corporation and the district administration have been making efforts to establish a solid waste energy plant in the city and have reviewed various proposals for the project.

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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