Food vs. Biofuel

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“In addition to fossil fuel, agricultural fuel made from grain or cooking oil also ends up in the car tank at the pumps. For just a few percent of agrofuel in diesel and gasoline, huge amounts of food are burned, huge areas of cultivated land are wasted and massive climate and environmental damage is accepted. While over 800 million people around the world are starving, food is being grown for combustion engines.” According to a “study” by Johanna Büchler from German Environmental Aid and various NGOs such as Welthungerhilfe.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) sees no threat to food security from biofuels. Globally, 14% of food worth an estimated $400 billion is lost from harvest to retail (FAO, 2019). Another 17% ends up in the trash at retail and consumer levels. 31% of the food grown and harvested does not end up on the plate, not even in the tank, but in the trash. Which negatively impacts food security and contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, degradation of natural ecosystems and loss of biodiversity. Instead of branding biofuels as the cause of world hunger, NGO experts should address the real causes of hunger, as food loss and waste (FLW) currently represents an urgent challenge in designing sustainable food systems. As FAO presenting the future of agriculture can be viewed on YouTube.

Electric cars could not make a contribution to CO2 reduction in 2022, according to the Federal Office for Landscape and Food, biofuels would have documented a saving of 11.6 million tons of CO2 equivalents in the same year.

Continue with the latest news on the subject of biofuels and drive systems

A US report from research firm Transparency Market Research said the global second-generation biofuels market would be worth $314.5 billion by 2031, up from $30.2 billion in 2021. The report noted that the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 26.4% during 2022-2031. “Policies and regulations are expected to continue to support the development and deployment of advanced biofuels worldwide. A range of incentives, such as renewable fuel standards or carbon pricing, can help stimulate investment and market expansion,” the report says.

Thanks to the development of green molecules such as hydrogen and biofuels, over 1.7 million new jobs can be created across Europe by 2040 as part of the energy transition. According to a new study presented by ManpowerGroup and Cepsa at the Economic Forum in Davos. However, the report “Green Molecules: The Upcoming Revolution in the European Employment Market” shows that the transition will require retraining and upskilling 60% of professionals to equip them with critical skills needed to meet growing green demand.

Bolloré Energy won the tender from EDF Archipel Guadeloupe in the last quarter of 2023 and thus took part in the transport of 300 m3 of B100 biofuel from mainland France to the Guadeloupe archipelago. The low-carbon fuel is marketed under the Koolza100 brand and is made from rapeseed oil grown and processed in France. Its use in the test phase for EDF would make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Jarry Sud thermal power plant by at least 40%.

The Union Biofuels Database (UDB) established by the European Commission for online registration of liquid renewable and recycled carbon fuels transactions by relevant economic operators is available. The database was intended under Article 31a of the 2018 Renewable Energy Directive to improve traceability of biofuels, avoid double counting and address concerns about fraud. The European Commission worked closely with relevant stakeholders and market participants to create the database.

Germany-based bioplastics specialist FKuR has signed a distribution agreement with Braskem for its bio-based ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). The company will be the official distributor in the EU, Switzerland, Norway, UK, Turkey, Israel and India. Braskem uses sustainably sourced ethanol to produce bio-based EVA. Agricultural crops absorb CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions when used as raw material for plastic production. Last July, Braskem spent $87 million to produce an additional nearly 59,000 tons of bio-based raw materials for plastic production in Triunfo, Brazil.

Bangkok Post reports that the Oil Fuel Fund intends to finally end biofuel subsidies for certain blends on September. The popularity of biofuels made subsidizing the fuel unnecessary. E10 and B7 are expected to be the only biofuel blends available at the pump starting in September.

Suma Capital has successfully completed its first international deal, acquiring 100% of CH4T, a company based in Verona (Italy) specialized in the management of biomethane energy plants. Through this transaction, Suma Capital advances its growth strategy in international markets. After opening its first international office in Paris in 2023 and hiring Jérôme Petitjean as its first international partner, the company is now focusing on Italy, where it is expected to continue growing in the sustainable infrastructure sector.

United Energy Trading announced that it has received EU International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) certifications for the purchase, sale and trading of certified biomethane and biocircular methane and renewable fuels. The company noted that the ISCC-EU certification is recognized by the European Commission as evidence of compliance with the sustainability criteria for biofuels under the RED II Directive and by the United Kingdom under the Renewable Fuels Commitment.

The Indian Transport Minister has agreed with the Petroleum Minister that Indian Oil will open 300 ethanol filling stations across the country to boost ethanol distribution and achieve blending targets. The shift to ethanol and higher blending levels is part of a broader domestic strategy to reach net zero by 2070, despite commodity challenges due to the lower sugarcane harvest expected this season, which includes a recent shift to reduce the tax on Japanese Hybrid vehicles belong.

Nestlé is now transporting 100% BIOFUEL+, a biofuel made from organic waste and producing 84% fewer carbon emissions, in France as part of a major contract. This collaboration will enable Nestlé to avoid 70,000 tons of CO2 per year and significantly reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions related to shipping.

ClearFlame Engine announced that it has completed the first sale of its FuelAdaptive™ truck to Vander Haag’s Inc. in the United States. The truck is the world’s first product to provide diesel-like performance for the heavy-duty truck industry while reducing fuel costs and carbon emissions while using a nationally distributed fuel.

ClearFlame expects to announce additional sales in the first half of 2024. The company is currently leasing limited-volume trucks, targeting two to three dozen units with select customers.

Genia Bioenergy has signed a contract to build a biogas plant with the municipality of Seleuș in western Romania. The purpose of this facility is to provide a sustainable solution to the management of 60,000 tonnes of livestock and agricultural waste per year through the production of renewable energy, which can benefit both the city council and residents. The project features a 1 MW cogeneration engine that will generate electricity from the biogas produced for sale to the grid and which Seleuș residents and businesses will have access to at a price below the market price. The heat is used via a district heating or heat distribution network that supplies hot water to all households in the community and even livestock farms and local businesses.

Argus has introduced daily prices for German hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). The new price transparency has been brought into the physical supply chain of tariffs at the point of truck loading on Europe’s largest energy market. The three new Argus prices for Germany are determined by collecting bids, offers and physical transactions in the price regions of northern, western and southwestern Germany. Prices apply to the sale of HVO trucks, including energy tax and the value of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions saved.

Quantron announced in Germany that it has entered into an agreement with FusionOne to work together on solutions to reduce clean hydrogen and plastic in North America. Andreas Haller, CEO and founder of Quantron, said: “Quantron has a portfolio of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and a network of strategic QaaS partners. The aim of the collaboration is to build a platform and network for the refueling of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) with a focus on trucks.”

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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