The environmentally friendly fuel of the future

2nd generation bioethanol

Bioethanol 2.0 is produced from non-edible biomass and thus offers many advantages.


Sustainable production through the use of non-edible raw materials.

Environmentally friendly

A significantly lower CO2 footprint compared to fossil fuels.


New sources of income for farmers and companies.


Raw material for the production of plastics, solvents, etc.


The fuel of the future

Bioethanol is a liquid that is produced from biomass as a source of bioenergy.
Bioethanol 2.0 refers to the second generation of bioethanol, a renewable fuel. In contrast to the first generation of bioethanol, which is produced from arable crops such as maize or sugar cane.
This fuel therefore has the advantage that it does not compete with food production and significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels.
BIOTECH ENERGY has patented a new technology to produce bioethanol 2.0 in a particularly effective way.

One product - many advantages

What the second generation of bioethanol offers:


Bioethanol 2.0 enables more sustainable production, as it is made from raw materials such as straw, wood, algae or agricultural residues. This reduces competition with food production.

Environmental friendliness

Bioethanol 2.0 has a lower CO2 footprint than fossil fuels. When bioethanol is burned, only the CO2 that the plants have absorbed during their growth is released. Bioethanol 2.0 thus contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helps to combat climate change.

Economic efficiency

The production of bioethanol 2.0 can help to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and boost the regional economy. The use of agricultural residues or other non-edible biomass can generate new sources of income for farmers and companies.


Bioethanol 2.0 can be used as an admixture for diesel and gasoline. It offers an ecological alternative to conventional fossil fuels. It is used by the chemical and food industries as a raw material for the production of plastics, solvents and other chemical products.

One product - many applications

Bioethanol 2.0 is used in various areas, particularly due to its environmental friendliness and renewable nature. These are some of the areas in which bioethanol is used:


Bioethanol 2.0 is used as a fuel for cars, aircraft (SAF) or ships, either in pure form (E100) or blended with petrol/diesel (e.g. E10, E85).

Heating systems

In special ethanol fireplaces, bioethanol is used as a clean-burning fuel for heating systems.


In some power stations, bioethanol 2.0 is used as an alternative fuel for generating electricity.


Bioethanol 2.0 is used as a solvent and auxiliary agent in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.


It is used in the manufacture of perfumes, deodorants and other cosmetic products.


Bioethanol 2.0 is used in disinfectants and hand cleaners.


It is used in agriculture as a soil conditioner, for the production of organic fertiliser and as an insecticide and pesticide.


Ethanol is the primary alcohol in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and spirits, whereby bioethanol is obtained from natural, renewable sources.


Bioethanol 2.0 serves the industry as a basis for the production of bioplastics and bioplastics.

Bioethanol 2.0 - and what does that have to do with BIOTECH ENERGY?

The production of protein animal feed generates large quantities of residues, which the plant uses for the production of bioethanol.

The key strength of this patented technology lies in the highest reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of all the groups compared. The impact on biodiversity, air and soil is the lowest, and no additional agricultural land is used for the cultivation of raw materials.

Suppliers of bioethanol plants face similar challenges. The challenges of second-generation biofuels and synthetic fuels include high costs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a still underdeveloped infrastructure and logistics, limited traceability and, in particular, limited availability.

BIOTECH ENERGY now provides the solution. An optimized combination of greenhouse gas balance, greenhouse gas avoidance costs, land efficiency, food security, protein by-products, land use change (LUC, ILUC), availability, social impacts, and air and soil quality.

The selection of these criteria is based on the latest standards and certification systems for bio-based fuels and materials, including a wide range of environmental, social and economic aspects. Due to the ongoing debate that first-generation biofuels jeopardize food security, particular attention was paid to this factor.

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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