According to the UN, 80 percent of people want increased climate protection measures

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According to a new global survey of 75,000 people – Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024 ( 80 percent want their governments to do more to protect the climate. The survey, conducted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), GeoPoll and Oxford University, asked residents of 77 countries, representing 87 percent of the world’s population, 15 questions over the phone, AFP reports. “The people’s climate vote is loud and clear. Global citizens want their leaders to overcome their differences, act now and act boldly to tackle the climate crisis,” said Achim Steiner, UNDP administrator, in a UNDP press release. “The results of the survey – which are unprecedented in their scope – show a level of consensus that is truly astonishing. We urge heads of state and government to take note, especially as countries develop their next round of climate pledges – or ‘nationally determined contributions’ under the Paris Agreement. This is an issue on which almost everyone, everywhere agrees.”

Two of the most positive pieces of news about the prospects for bio-based polylactic acid have crossed my desk. I recently reported that leading polylactic acid producer NatureWorks in Thailand has received a $350 million loan to finance its fully integrated PLA plant at the Nakhon Sawan Biocomplex. The loan, provided by Krungthai Bank PCL, will support both the construction and ongoing operation of the plant. The plant will use locally produced sugar cane as raw material. Furthermore, PLA sales here are expected to reach $1.89 billion in 2022 and $3.11 billion by 2030. At a price of around $3,500 per tonne, the growth rate stated in the report is around 225,000 tons in one year. Demand for this decade is expected to be around 350,000 tons.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has set up a new FAOSTAT section on bioenergy. With the new statistics, the FAO is expanding its range of global data on agri-food systems. The FAOSTAT Bioenergy section was launched on June 18 during the 11th edition of the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP). The new statistics contain information on the production and final consumption of all types of bioenergy: solid biofuels (animal waste, bagasse, black liquor, charcoal, firewood, other plant material and residues), liquid biofuels (biojet kerosene, biodiesel, biogasoline, other liquid biofuels) and gaseous biofuels (biogas). I have attached the report.

A comprehensive report, “Responsible Sourcing of HVO – A Comprehensive Guide“, has been published to accelerate the global transition to sustainable energy. Developed by Action Sustainability for the Supply Chain Sustainability School, the report is an important resource for organizations committed to environmentally responsible practices in the sourcing of hydrogen-treated vegetable oil (HVO). With many organizations pursuing net zero goals, the role of fuels and energy is critical. HVO has proven to be a viable alternative to fossil diesel, a development endorsed by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) in its Zero Diesel Sites Route Map. However, the sustainability benefits of HVO are complex and not always easy to recognize.

According to an analysis published today by the European Biogas Association (EBA), the European biomethane sector will receive private investment of 25 billion euros by 2030. This represents an increase of 30% compared to last year’s estimates. The second edition of the Biomethane Investment Outlook forecasts an additional €2.1 billion of investment already in the pipeline but not yet allocated.

The Australian Government is seeking views on how to jumpstart Australia’s low carbon liquid fuels (LCLF) industry – from agriculture to feedstocks to tankers. Sustainable fuels will play an important role in transitioning the global economy to a zero-carbon energy supply. As part of the A$22.7 billion Future Made in Australia package, the policy can help unlock investment and create jobs.

Romania’s leading oil and gas company OMV Petrom will invest €750 million in the construction of several sustainable fuel plants at its Petrobrazi refinery near the southern city of Ploiesti. According to the report, OMV Petrom will build a plant for the production of sustainable aviation fuels and renewable diesel as well as two plants for the production of green hydrogen.

China will soon run out of waste oil as demand from Europe and the US outstrips supply, according to a new study by Transport & Environment (T&E). The study, conducted by Stratas Advisors on behalf of T&E, examines the collection capacities of the world’s leading UCO producers and concludes that China is already exporting more than half of its UCO for use in European and US cars and trucks.

Jakson Green has begun bidding to build the world’s first plant to convert flue gas CO2 into 4G ethanol. The licensing and EPC contract is expected to take two years to set up the plant, which will synthesize 25 tons of CO2 per day from flue gas using Veolia’s Carbon Clean technology along with 3 tons of green hydrogen per day through a 7.5 MW electrolyzer. LanzaTech’s microbial fermentation will then use the CO2 and hydrogen to produce the 4G ethanol.

Ethanol blending in India crossed the 15.4% mark for the first time last month at 670 million liters. The current national average for the year that began in October is 12.6%, up from 1.5% a decade ago and 20% next year. Already, 14,600 gas stations across the country offer 20% ethanol blends at the pump.

In the UK, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending a €60 million loan to Ukrainian limited liability company Lan-Oil LLC, in its first financing for the construction of a greenfield and privately owned biofuels project in Ukraine since Russia began its full-scale war on the country more than two years ago.

White Summit Capital plans to invest €250 million in a Spanish green hydrogen and e-methanol plant in the port area of Gijon that will use carbon from local industry. The 50 MW electrolysis plant will power the facility, which will produce 100,000 tons of green methanol annually. Commissioning is expected in 2027.

In Japan, ENEOS Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to conduct a joint study on the societal implementation of hydrogen and decarbonized fuels, expanding the ongoing joint feasibility study in the field of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF).

DB Schenker has signed an agreement with Avolta for the use of marine biofuel for the transportation of goods between Europe and the United States. The agreement is the first of its kind for DB Schenker in the Spanish market and makes Avolta one of the leading pioneering companies in low-emission shipping.

The development and widespread use of synthetic fuels is still at least a decade away and depends on the successful adoption of other technologies. However, companies that position themselves now have the best chance of success, according to the latest Horizons report from data and analytics firm Wood Mackenzie. The report, ‘Adding fire to e-fuels’, states that e-fuels are a synthetic alternative to fossil fuels and can decarbonize hard-to-electrify sectors without the need for premature scrapping of long-life assets. This means that e-fuels can provide a solution for powering critical transportation segments such as ships, long-haul aircraft and heavy-duty vehicles.

The Mexican airline Aeromexico estimates that 20% of the SAF it uses is produced locally in Mexico. In its 2023 Sustainability Report, the airline stated that it is working on strategies and initiatives to improve its fuel efficiency program. “We are committed to working with key stakeholders to create an ecosystem focused on the profitability of the production and commercialization of SAF in the region and in our country,” the company said.

On June 17, the Center for Renewable Energies (CIBiogás) and the German-Brazilian Cooperation for Sustainable Development inaugurated the first pilot plant in Brazil for the production of synthetic oil from biogas, aimed at the production of sustainable aviation fuel. With an investment of 1.8 million euros from the German government, specifically the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the renewable hydrocarbon production plant at the Itaipu Binacional site will produce 6 kg/day of Bio-Syncrude – a hydrocarbon mixture synthesized from biogas and green hydrogen, which will be used for the production of SAF.

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst joined her colleagues in urging the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to increase the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volumes for biomass-based diesel and advanced biofuels to a level consistent with production and availability. Last year, before the EPA set the final blending levels for 2023 through 2025, Ernst urged the agency to increase the proposed Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) levels for advanced biofuels and biomass-based diesel. Instead of listening to Ernst’s warnings, the EPA set blend volumes that do not accurately reflect market conditions and future production capacity. As a result, two biomass-based diesel plants were closed, including one in Ralston, Iowa. Following the plant closure, Ernst urged the administration to increase the RVO levels for Iowa’s domestic biofuels.

Bank of Ireland highlighted its support for Irish agriculture at the launch of two white papers on developing the biomethane sector and supporting the sustainable transition of the agri-food sector. The important role that biomethane plays in decarbonizing the agricultural sector was further explored by experts who looked at the operating model, including the feedstock supply chain, and how Ireland can meet both national and EU targets.

Bunge Global SA has entered into definitive agreements to sell its 50% share in BP Bunge Bioenergia to bp, its joint venture partner. BP Bunge Bioenergia, a joint venture formed in 2019, combined both companies’ Brazilian bioenergy and sugarcane ethanol businesses with a total of 11 mills located across the Southeast, North and Midwest regions of Brazil.

Bioenergy Europe has published its statistical report on pellets and its policy brief. The report analyzes the development of the global pellet market over the past year with an in-depth look at the European market. After two remarkable years characterized by record consumption and production as well as record sales of pellet-based appliances, the global pellet industry faces major challenges in 2023. Pellet production and consumption stagnated worldwide, breaking a two-decade trend of uninterrupted growth. Despite a slight decline in the market, the European Union remains the world’s largest producer and consumer of pellets. It produces 44 % of the world’s pellets and consumes 50 %.

The Walloon administration has launched a call for tenders for the development of a hydrogen valley in the Belgian region of Wallonia. The tender was published on May 29, 2024, and submissions must be completed by June 21. The valley concept will include a comprehensive ecosystem integrating hydrogen production, storage and use, and will serve as a pioneering model for other regions, according to the report.

Biokraft has signed an exclusive land agreement with the industrial group Perstorp where Biokraft is given the opportunity to design a biogas plant at the Group’s industrial park in Perstorp. The plant’s capacity is planned to be 130 GWh of biomethane and 17,000 tons of liquid CO2 per year and is expected to be completed in 2027.

An AiF project, carried out in close cooperation between the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) and the Freiberg Institute (FILK), will enable the development of artificial leather using polybutylene succinate (PBS) for both the fiber and the coating that meets sustainability criteria. PBS, which is derived from renewable raw materials, enables efficient processing and end-of-life recycling. file:///C:/Users/Ahlers/Downloads/PR-DITF-2024_06_07-PBS-synthetic-leather.pdf

APG, on behalf of its pension fund client ABP, signed an initial capital commitment to BioticNRG. BioticNRG aggregates bioenergy infrastructure assets to build a bioenergy enterprise. With the investment, APG wants to contribute to the company’s ability to build value, create a sustainable bioenergy platform and deploy its decarbonization credentials across hard to access sectors.

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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