We have a commitment to a world without greenhouse gas emissions.

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The urgency of mitigating climate change and the need to fulfil the global commitment to a net zero world have made it imperative to explore all possible ways to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of these ways is to change the way we generate energy, with a focus on decarbonising heavy industry, the transport sector and related infrastructure. Renewable fuels will play a key role in decarbonisation and the future of the energy industry. But how can renewable fuels be optimised to minimise emissions during production, meet changing regulatory requirements and future-proof business models? Take a look at the company Biotech-Energy.

The Royal Air Force is ensuring Britain is secure while using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on routine operations for the first time – a move that will cut carbon emissions and bolster energy security. Aircraft including Typhoon and Poseidon submarine hunters, operating from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, are using a blend of conventional and sustainable aviation fuels in a first for the air force as they take to the skies to defend the U.K. and allies.

Wenn man an Landwirtschaft denkt, kommen einem vielleicht als Erstes große Scheunen voller Heu, eine Herde Rinder oder ein gelbes Feld mit Raps in den Sinn. Aber Landwirtschaft ist nicht nur Flora, Fauna und verarbeitungshallen, mit der Lebensmittel auf unseren Tellern landen. Sie kann auch alles umfassen, was wir im Meer jagen und verzehren. Die Aquakultur ist ein Teilbereich der Landwirtschaft geworden. Menschen, die in diesem Bereich arbeiten, kultivieren oder züchten lebende aquatische Arten – von Seeigeln, Krebsen und Seetang bis hin zu Lachs und Thunfisch – für den Verzehr. Nach Angaben von Euronews werden rund 580 Wasserarten durch Aquakulturmethoden geerntet, die „die Hälfte der weltweit konsumierten Fische ausmachen“. Nach Angaben der Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) umfasste die weltweite Aquakulturproduktion im Jahr 2020 87,5 Millionen Tonnen Wassertiere, die hauptsächlich für den menschlichen Verzehr bestimmt waren, und 35,1 Millionen Tonnen Algen, einschließlich Seetang, für „Lebensmittel- und Nichtlebensmittelzwecke“.

When you think of agriculture, the first things that come to mind are perhaps large barns full of hay, a herd of cattle or a yellow field of rapeseed. But agriculture is not just the flora, fauna and processing halls that put food on our plates. It can also include everything we hunt and consume in the sea. Aquaculture has become a sub-sector of agriculture. People working in this field cultivate or breed live aquatic species – from sea urchins, crabs and seaweed to salmon and tuna – for consumption. According to Euronews, around 580 aquatic species are harvested through aquaculture methods, which ‘account for half of the fish consumed worldwide’. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), global aquaculture production in 2020 included 87.5 million tonnes of aquatic animals, mainly for human consumption, and 35.1 million tonnes of seaweed, including kelp, for ‘food and non-food purposes’.

The U.S. Secretary of the Department of Agriculture (USDA), announced that the USDA is funding 160 projects in 26 states to expand access to clean energy systems and increase the availability of domestic biofuels that will create new market opportunities and jobs for farmers, ranchers and agricultural producers in the United States. https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2024/08/16/biden-harris-administration-invests-domestic-biofuels-and-clean

Kinetics Technology has been awarded an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract by HOLBORN Europa Raffinerie GmbH for the development for the production of SAF and renewable diesel within the HOLBORN refinery in Hamburg. HOLBORN is a successful oil refinery that supplies Hamburg and northern Germany with fuels and heating oil. Production will be utilised to meet the rapidly growing demand for SAF. According to the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero scenario, more than 10 % of aviation fuel consumption must be SAF by 2030 in order to remain on track for net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. The International Air Transport Association estimates that global SAF production will only account for around 0.1% to 0.15% of total aviation fuel demand in 2022. More ander: https://www.holborn.de/news/holborn-erteilt-kt-einen-epc-auftrag-im-wert-von-400-millionen-us-dollar-fuer-einen-hvo-komplex-zur-herstellung-von-gruenem-diesel-und-nachhaltigen-flugtreibstoffen-in-deutschland/

Indian Cooperation Minister Amit Shah has asked sugar mills to explore alternatives to sugarcane for ethanol production. Shah said India would achieve its target of 20 per cent ethanol blending by 2025-26, earlier than the original target of 2030. More at: https://indianexpress.com/article/india/cooperation-minister-amit-shah-sugar-mills-diversify-ethanol-feedstock-9506626/

As exports to the EU have already fallen by half. Chinese biodiesel producers are scrambling to find new markets outside the European Union as the trade bloc is expected to impose hefty tariffs of 12.8% and 36.4% on more than 40 Chinese producers. Eyes are turning to Asia to absorb the surplus biodiesel. https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/agriculture/081624-eu-imposes-anti-dumping-duties-targeting-cheap-chinese-biodiesel-imports

Gevo has signed a purchase agreement with Shell Global Solutions Germany for its low-carbon fuel blend for use in motorsports. Gevo’s ultra-low carbon fuel blend will now be used on the race track in the world of motorsports. https://investors.gevo.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gevo-supply-renewable-hydrocarbon-based-low-carbon-intensity

TotalEnergies Marine Fuels delivered its first B100 biofuel in Singapore on 5 August, significantly expanding its range of low-carbon fuels to support the decarbonisation goals of global shipping. TotalEnergies’ chemical bunker tanker MAPLE, part of the Global Energy Group, is bunkering 700 tonnes of the 100% used cooking oil methyl ester biofuel to the Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) Glovis Cosmos, owned by Hyundai Glovis. https://www.offshore-energy.biz/totalenergies-wraps-up-first-b100-biofuel-bunkering-in-singapore/

The Indian government palnt to consider increasing ethanol prices from November 2024 while aiming to achieve 20 per cent blending target by 2025-26. A report quoted sources as saying that the change in ethanol prices would be based on the fair and remunerative price of sugarcane and the price change is aimed at meeting the blending targets. https://www.qcintel.com/biofuels/article/india-mulls-ethanol-price-hike-for-2024-2025-season-reports-28049.html

In the UK, OXCCU recently commissioned the first official demonstration plant at Oxford Airport. The plant, called OX1, represents a significant advance in the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Thanks to its novel catalyst and reactor design, which have been the subject of more than a decade of research at Oxford University, the plant will convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) directly into long-chain hydrocarbons with high conversion and selectivity for use as SAF, called OX-EFUEL™. https://aerospaceglobalnews.com/news/oxccu-opens-first-of-its-kind-saf-demonstration-plant-at-oxford-airport/

In Brazil, Caramuru Alimento has joined forces with Biocen – Bioenergia Celeiro do Norte to form a joint venture focussed on the development and exploration of a corn milling plant for ethanol production in Nova Ubiratã in the state of Mato Grosso. The new plant will have an initial processing capacity of 605,000 tonnes of corn per year. https://globorural.globo.com/negocios/noticia/2024/08/caramuru-e-biocen-anunciam-r-11-bilhao-para-construcao-de-usina-de-etanol-de-milho.ghtml

Stolt Tankers reached another milestone on its sustainability journey last week when the barge Stolt Main bunkered 100% HVO for the first time. For more than three years, the Stolt Main – as well as several other Stolt Tankers vessels – has been successfully running on a 20:80 HVO blend. https://shippingtelegraph.com/bunkers-news/stolt-tankers-barge-moves-to-100-renewable-fuel/

In the US state of North Carolina, Honeywell and Repsol have announced a collaboration to develop new production routes for biofuels and recycled materials. The two companies will also explore the potential integration of these methods into Repsol’s existing facilities. More at: https://ess.honeywell.com/us/en/about-ess/newsroom/press-release/2024/08/honeywell-and-repsol-to-collaborate-on-renewable-fuel-development

Some US Congressmen have recently introduced the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Information Act. This bill would direct the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) to more explicitly mention sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in its weekly and monthly reports, consistent with other fuel types the agency regularly reports on. https://troycarter.house.gov/media/press-releases/congressman-carter-flood-lead-bipartisan-coalition-introduce-sustainable

The Canadian province of Nova Scotia announced that it is now accepting applications for the Clean Fuels Fund, which helps industries, businesses and communities transition to low-carbon and renewable fuels. ‘We are moving towards a cleaner, greener Nova Scotia, and our industries are following suit. The Clean Fuels Fund will help us transition away from fossil fuels and get us closer to our net-zero target by 2050,’ said Tory Rushton, Minister of Renewable Energy. https://natural-resources.canada.ca/our-natural-resources/energy-sources-distribution/clean-fuels/clean-fuels-fund/23734

An innovative development by a team of researchers at Tel Aviv University aims to enable the conversion of wet raw waste into liquid and solid biofuels without the need to dry the waste.More at: https://www.jns.org/new-tel-aviv-university-research-enables-biofuel-production-from-wet-organic-waste/

The latest report on the production capacity of renewable diesel and other biofuels in the USA has been published. It shows that the production of renewable diesel fuel has reached 4.3 billion gallons in a total of 22 plants. California has the most plants with five. https://www.eia.gov/biofuels/renewable/capacity/

As part of its ongoing programme to reduce its CO2 emissions, the Drax Group has decided to switch to 100% renewable fuel. DB Cargo UK currently transports around 4.5 million tonnes of biomass pellets to the Drax power station every year, using around 60 trains per week. It is estimated that by switching from fossil diesel to HVO, carbon dioxide emissions from rail freight transport can be reduced by up to 90%, which equates to a saving of more than 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. https://ciltuk.org.uk/News/Latest-News/ArtMID/6887/ArticleID/37681/DB-Cargo-adopts-HVO-Fuel-for-Drax-trains-but-highlights-need-for-rail-electrification

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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