The growing demand for electricity for data centres and AI is putting increasing pressure on electricity grids.

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On 28 August 2024, the Federal Cabinet adopted an evaluation report on the greenhouse gas reduction quota, which the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V. (UFOP) believes is unsuitable for evaluating this legal framework and must be revised before it is submitted to the German Bundestag. The association criticises the insufficient depth of evaluation to assess the various positive and negative effects of the legal framework.

There is no shortage of headlines about how the increasing demand for electricity for data centres and AI is putting a strain on power grids. The EIA addressed the issue this summer by raising its forecast for electricity consumption through 2025, particularly ‘in areas with rapid data centre development’. Data centre development is progressing rapidly and more information is needed for the upcoming forecasts. AI. Cloud computing, digitalisation, many new trends are driving the rapid growth of the technology industry. Much of this growth is based on the expansion of data centres across Europe. Electricity suppliers and grid operators across the country have sounded the alarm that they can no longer keep up with the tech industry’s demand for more power. Data centre operators are already competing to get new facilities connected to the grid.

The pace at which grid operators are delaying the decommissioning of fossil-fuelled power plants highlights the tension between the need to reliably deliver more electricity and the transition to clean energy. This tension has significant implications for the technology industry’s ambitious targets for emissions reduction and business growth. However, the tactics that tech industry leaders say they are pursuing to source clean energy and use energy more efficiently show that they are finding ways to make progress in both areas.

Finding the right way to maximise growth and achieve emission reduction targets is a complex task. Working with clean energy experts is often the best way to find creative and customised solutions. Perhaps that’s why more than 80% of technology executives said their organisations have or are considering a large-scale relationship with a clean energy provider across multiple locations for energy and energy services.

Denmark, trade association Danish Shipping has endorsed Denmark’s new Africa Strategy, urging both Denmark and the EU to intensify investments in Africa to unlock the continent’s vast potential for green energy and economic growth. Maritime security is also a key focus for Danish Shipping, which aims to strengthen trade, security, and the green transition in the region through ongoing dialogue with African partners.

Formula 1 continues to drive forward its goal of ‘net zero by 2030’. F1 has announced a multi-year partnership with Aggreko to supply innovative low-carbon energy generation systems at all European Grands Prix from the 2025 season. As part of this agreement, Aggreko will become an official supplier to Formula 1. Aggreko and Formula 1 have been working together since 2023, when they first deployed a centralised power generation plant at the Austrian Grand Prix, which reduced associated carbon emissions in the paddock, pit lane and broadcast areas by more than 90% compared to the 2022 event.

Construction of the HH-WIN hydrogen industrial network and the Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub (HGHH) has begun in Hamburg after Robert Habeck, the German Minister of Economic Affairs, handed over funding decisions on Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) worth over €250 million on 19 August. The report states that both the grid and the hub will be built on the site of the former Moorburg power plant and are scheduled to go into operation in 2027.

Indonesia’s new president wants to introduce a B50 mandate by early next year to save the country $20 billion in annual fuel imports. The country has already announced last week that it will introduce B40 in early 2025, while it has begun B50 trials. However, the national association of palm oil producers, Gaski, contradicted this announcement, stating that the country is not yet ready to switch to B50.

Vale, Komatsu and Cummins announced a strategic agreement to develop the Dual Fuel Programme (DF) aimed at retrofitting the 830E and 930E diesel forklifts with ethanol-diesel engines. This innovative programme is a significant step in support of Vale’s 2030 carbon reduction roadmap and demonstrates the commitment of all three companies to drive sustainability in the mining industry.

Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. and partners have joined forces to drive low-carbon shipping by opting for cleaner fuel to reduce emissions in the supply chain. With the participation of several partners, including IKEA and Kyocera, the first voyage began in early August. The fuel used on the voyage is a B24 biofuel blend with ISCC-certified used cooking oil methyl ester as a component of the VLSFO. Replacing fossil fuels with biofuels can reduce carbon emissions in shipping and is seen as a viable transitional solution on the way to long-term decarbonisation targets.

Cepsa has made its first direct delivery of second generation biofuels for the cruise industry in the port of Barcelona. Further deliveries have been confirmed for the coming months, with the biofuels being regularly available in the ports of Barcelona and Algeciras. The fuel supplied contains a 24% sustainable component, avoiding the emission of around 3,000 tonnes of CO2.

Brazil’s National Energy Policy Council has adopted a resolution to update the strategic guidelines for the development of the fuels, biofuels and oil derivatives market in Brazil. The document provides for the strengthening of national processing capacities, which are currently struggling with significant imports of derivatives. The strategic guidelines listed in the resolution include the pursuit of an increase in biofuel production, the expansion and modernisation of the refinery park and the promotion of the energy transition.

Brazil’s National Bank and the financier of studies and projects (Finep) have launched a joint public call in Brasília for the selection of business plans for the development and implementation of biorefineries aimed at the production of sustainable fuels, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and marine fuels. Funds totalling R$ 6 billion will be made available for the projects, R$ 3 billion from the BNDES and R$ 3 billion from Finep.$-6-bi-para-investimentos-em-combustivel-verde-para-aviacao-e-navegacao/

The US Renewable Fuels Association recently submitted comments to the Surface Transportation Board emphasising the importance of consistent, safe and on-time rail transportation for the ethanol industry and its customers. The comments were submitted in response to an STB request for input on recent trends and strategies for the growth of the freight rail industry.

Australia’s Infinium, a leader in eFuels, and Borealis, a provider of advanced and sustainable plastics solutions, have entered into an agreement to enable the production of low-carbon plastics derived from carbon dioxide (CO2) waste that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. These plastics, known as polyolefins, are widely used in the manufacture of consumer goods such as packaging, household appliances, clothing and medical devices.

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have achieved a significant milestone in the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable fuels and chemicals, marking an important step towards a sustainable net-zero economy. In a paper published in the journal Chem, the team reports a pioneering plasma-catalytic process for the hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.

Spain’s Cepsa Bioenergia has entered into a joint venture with Cepsa1 and Bio-Oils for the expansion of renewable fuels in Huelva, Spain, including a new biofuel plant. According to Cepsa and Apical, once completed, the new biofuel plant will be one of the largest second-generation biofuel plants in southern Europe and will support low-carbon air, sea and land transport. The new biofuel plant will be designed for a flexible annual production of 500,000 tonnes of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel (hydrogenated vegetable oil or HVO).

Scientists at the US Agricultural Research Service, in their search for new ways to improve the fermentation of corn sugar into ethanol fuel, have developed an approach using genetically modified baker’s yeast. A report on this advance was published in the journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. The scientists modified the yeast’s genetic material with ‘coding’ to produce an enzyme on its outer surface that kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria – microbial competitors whose release of acetic and lactic acid can prevent the fermentation process from reaching its maximum ethanol production capacity.

Dutch shipping company Van Oord has reached a milestone with the first delivery of biofuel for its flexible downpipe vessel Stornes in Norway. The delivery marked the first biofuel delivery in Norway and expanded the company’s potential locations for more sustainable fuel use, the report said. ‘The biofuel delivered is a B30 blend consisting of 30 per cent hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) and 70 per cent marine gas oil (MGO),’ the company said in a post on social media.

Toyota Tsusho and Pertamena have teamed up to develop and supply biofuels and green hydrogen for the port and industrial park of Patimban in West Java. These projects are currently being developed with yen-denominated financing.

DC Aviation has signed an agreement with global fuel provider AEG Fuels to replace a portion of its fleet emissions with a Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) agreement. The transaction will enable DC to offset its emissions from fuel consumption at Malta International Airport. ‘We are proud to lead by example and be a pioneer in the introduction of SAF on the Maltese Islands,’ said DC Aviation Managing Director.

The Government of Canada and the Government of Québec have announced a joint grant of C$26 million to support Énercycle in its project to develop a new centre for the recovery of organic waste through biomethanisation and composting.

BP has invested $49.5 million in Zhejiang Jiaao Enprotech’s SAF unit in exchange for a 15% shareholding. The company currently has a 500,000 ton per year SAF plant under construction in the eastern coastal city of Lianyungang. The investment represents the first SAF investment in China by an oil major. Zhejiang Jiaao Enprotech is one of China’s largest biodiesel producers. It will be using used cooking oil as feedstock for its SAF.

The Indian company Aether Industries has signed a production agreement with Chemoxy International, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Seqens Group. Under the terms of the agreement, Aether will manufacture a range of natural bio-based products exclusively for Seqens over an initial three-year period. Production is expected to start in the next 10 months.

In India, ethanol blending is still above 15% thanks to ethanol production from grain, although the government has significantly curtailed ethanol production from sugarcane juice for fear of a sugar shortage. In the first nine months of the 2023/24 season, demand for ethanol rose by 19% to 4.8 billion litres.

India’s target of blending at least 20% ethanol into petrol by 2025 – that is about 990 million litres annually – requires effective use of grain and sugarcane to increase supply. Annual ethanol production from grain is expected to increase significantly to around 600 million litres by next season (this season’s production is estimated at around 380 million litres). The remainder will have to be produced by processing ethanol from sugar cane, which is feasible given the considerable capacity available.

Refex Sustainable Solutions of India has entered into an investment agreement to acquire a majority stake of up to 51.02% of the total voting rights from the existing promoters and make an investment in the form of equity infusion in Vyzag Bio-Energy Fuel Private Limited, making it a subsidiary of the company.

The Indian government has decided to allow ethanol producers to use sugarcane juice, sugar syrup, B and C heavy molasses as feedstock again from the new marketing year in December. The Ministry of Food stated that it would regularly review the sugar supply situation with regard to the diversion of sugar for ethanol production to ensure that there is enough sugar for domestic consumption and that ethanol does not jeopardise this.

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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