IATA to launch Sustainable Aviation Fuel Matchmaker platform by 2025

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The International Air Transport Association (IATA) will launch the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Matchmaker to bring airlines and SAF suppliers together. The SAF Matchmaker will address three critical issues in particular:

Connectivity: SAF producers and suppliers will be able to publish available or planned SAF volumes.

Visibility: The platform will contain comprehensive information on available SAF, e.g. quantities, raw materials used, location and technology of production, emission reduction and compliance with the Carbon Offsetting Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) or the European Union Renewable Energy Directive.

Efficiency: The availability of a central platform will simplify SAF procurement, as all parties involved will be able to contact each other more easily and quickly. It will also facilitate the development of market intelligence based on data that the platform will generate.

More under: https://www.iata.org/en/pressroom/2024-releases/2024-09-24-03/

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have issued proposed regulations to provide guidance on the alternative fuel vehicle refueling tax credit. The Inflation Control Act amended the alternative fuel vehicle refueling tax credit. The changes apply to qualified alternative fuel vehicles placed in service after December 31, 2022 and before January 1, 2033.

On September 9, the European Commission published the long-awaited Draghi Report on the

the future of European competitiveness. The report analyzes the challenges that the industry is currently facing and analyzes the areas of innovation innovation, decarbonization, competitiveness, diversification as well as investment and economic investment and economic policy. The findings of the report will feed into the work on a Commission’s plan for sustainable prosperity and competitiveness in Europe.

will be incorporated. The proposals formulated in the report are intended in particular to support the development of the new Clean Industrial Deal for competitive industries and quality jobs.
The report is available on the European Commission’s website at available. https://commission.europa.eu/topics/strengthening-european-competitiveness/eu-competitiveness-looking-ahead_en

UNITI (https://www.uniti.de/) believes that there is an urgent need to reform the EU Fleet Regulation and finally make it compliant with EU law. https://www.uniti.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Kment_Gutachten_en.pdf

Strategic Biofuels has announced the release of its free guide “A Practical Guide to Forestry Feedstock Under the Renewable Fuel Standard” in the US. The company explained that this practical guide is designed to help project developers understand the requirements for forestry feedstock under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). You can download the guide under the link.

In the global drive for sustainable biofuels, lignocellulosic biomass has emerged as a prime candidate for biofuels and biochemicals due to its abundance and renewability. This biomass derived from plant materials is a promising feedstock for biofuel production. However, the pre-treatment required to break down lignocellulose often produces toxic by-products such as phenolic compounds and furanyl aldehydes derived from lignin. These by-products can severely hinder microbial fermentation, a crucial step in biofuel production, and thus reduce overall efficiency.

The first shipment of 7,000 gallons of SAF blend arrived at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport fueling facility. Delta Air Lines has designated flight DL 2732 from Minneapolis to New York on September 25, 2024 as the symbolic first flight to be fueled in part with SAF from MSP Airport. Cargill partnered with Minnesota and North Dakota farmers last fall to plant 2,000 acres of camelina, which was harvested this summer and used as a feedstock for the SAF.

As reported by Palm Oil Magazine, data from Quantum Commodity Intelligence shows that Chinese biodiesel exports to the EU fell by 91% to just 9,835 tons in July after the European Commission imposed anti-dumping duties. This was the lowest level since April 2021. https://www.palmoilmagazine.com/biodiesel/2024/09/27/eu-biodiesel-imports-from-china-drop-91-amid-anti-dumping-duties/

Honeywell announced it has signed an agreement with USA BioEnergy (USABE) to implement its Experion PKS Distributed Control System (DCS) and safety system at USABE’s new Texas Renewable Fuels Bon Wier advanced biorefinery, which is designed to convert wood waste into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This collaboration underscores Honeywell’s alignment of its portfolio to three compelling megatrends—automation, the future of aviation, and energy transition. https://usabioenergy.com/honeywell-usabe-to-partner/

In the UK, Startup Magazine reported that EIT InnoEnergy has committed $1.1 million to LignEasy, a trailblazer in bio-based materials. According to the report, LignEasy focuses on advanced lignin separation technology aimed at reducing carbon emissions within the pulp industry and transitioning away from fossil-based raw materials towards more sustainable, forest-derived alternatives. https://www.innoenergy.com/news-events/eit-innoenergy-invests-in-bio-based-materials-start-up-ligneasy/

Fiji Airways, Fiji Sugar Ltd. and Lee Enterprises have begun an assessment of sustainable aviation fuel production in Fiji. This initiative has the potential to support sustainable aviation and agriculture in the Pacific region and create new economic opportunities for local farmers and communities in Fiji. It is funded by the Asian Development Bank. The project is about the feasibility of a comprehensive SAF production and utilization model in Fiji that uses sugarcane and its waste products as inputs for ethanol production and additional energy sources that can then be processed into SAF. The study will evaluate molasses, sugar, bagasse and biomass as potential feedstocks for SAF production. More at: https://lee-enterprises.com/

The Energy Futures Initiative Foundation (EFIF) has published a new study outlining ways to further decarbonize ethanol to achieve near-zero carbon intensity by 2035 and negative carbon intensity by 2050. The study identified nine currently available and affordable measures that together could reduce the carbon intensity of renewable fuels to near zero by 2035 and zero or negative emissions by 2050. The effective measures include. The full EFIF study will be released in conjunction with the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Summit during Climate Week NYC.

AIR COMPANY has raised $69 million in a Series B financing to advance its technology, promote energy security and drive emissions reductions in hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation. Avfuel, a global leader in aviation fuel and services, led the round and will be the preferred provider for distribution and logistics as well as environmental attribute tracking and reporting for AIR COMPANY. https://www.greencarcongress.com/2024/09/20240923-aircompany.html

Virgin Australia is the first international airline to use sustainable aviation fuel from Indonesia’s state-owned energy company Pertamina. “The first SAF delivery at Ngurah Rai Airport shows that Indonesia is able to adapt to the energy mix requirements in the international aviation industry. SAF is currently a medium-term solution for flights to reduce the carbon footprint without the need for changes to aircraft, airport infrastructure or fuel supply chains,” said Riva Siahaan, President Director of Pertamina Patra Nia. https://jakartaglobe.id/business/virgin-australia-becomes-1st-foreign-airline-to-use-pertaminas-sustainable-fuel

Qair, an independent renewable energy company, and Trapil, a leading operator of refined product pipeline networks, today announce the signing of a partnership agreement to collaborate on the distribution of e-molecules in France and internationally. The aim is to support the industry in its ambitious decarbonization strategies, Qair diversifies its energy offer to complement the supply of renewable electricity with electro-molecules (e-molecules) such as hydrogen, e-saf or ammonia. https://fuelcellsworks.com/2024/09/23/clean-energy/qair-and-trapil-join-forces-to-advance-green-hydrogen-and-sustainable-aviation-fuel-saf-initiatives

Rio Tinto has announced that it will establish pongamia seed farms in Australia as part of a new biofuel pilot project. The project will investigate the potential of pongamia seed oil as a feedstock for renewable diesel, the company said. The aim of the pilot project is to determine whether pongamia seed oil can meet Rio Tinto’s renewable diesel needs while contributing to the growth of a new biofuels sector in Australia. Rio Tinto has partnered with Midway Limited to oversee the planting and management of the Pongamia seed farms. Midway Limited will work with nurseries, agricultural experts and research institutions throughout the pilot project.

Valworx has partnered with the Rocket Project at UCLA to develop their next generation of liquid-fueled rockets. This year the UCLA team is undertaking an ambitious project to develop a closed-loop throttle system for their bi-propellant liquid rocket. This builds on last year’s effort when the team achieved a significant milestone by launching an ethanol and LOX liquid rocket to an altitude of 24,100 feet. https://www.accesswire.com/921485/rocket-project-at-ucla-and-valworx-announce-partnership-for-experimental-rocket-project

German LNG terminal operator Deutsche ReGas, the front-end engineering and design phase, have completed planning for its planned hydrogen center in Lubmin. The two-stage project will initially focus on the construction of a 200 MW electrolyzer (1.5 million MWh p.a. ) plant by the end of 2026, which is expected to produce up to 30,000 tons of green hydrogen ( 0,95 million MWh p.a.) annually. https://www.rivieramm.com/news-content-hub/deutsche-regas-completes-feed-for-lubmin-hydrogen-hub-82286

Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions (Filta) announced a significant milestone: the recycling of 450 million kg of used cooking oil into biodiesel fuel. Filta’s unique service model improves commercial kitchen operations by microfiltrating cooking oil, cleaning fryers and providing waste-free used oil collection, while ensuring the used oil is recycled into biodiesel fuel. The company’s commitment to sustainability is evident, as every gallon of biodiesel used prevents 7.2 kg of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. This monumental effort over two decades has resulted in a total carbon offset equivalent to planting 135 million trees.

The U.S. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is concerned that if former President Trump returns to the White House, he will eliminate the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and with it important tax breaks for the biofuels sector, such as the 45Z Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit (SAF). However, the RFA is encouraged that Republican members of Congress support the SAF credit alongside other parts of the IRA, and believes these messages are resonating with the Trump campaign. https://www.brownfieldagnews.com/news/rfa-concerned-election-outcome-could-impact-certain-biofuel-tax-credits/

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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