Europe promotes ethanol grain

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Please find attached a marketing kit from the German Bioenergy Association with an application for the young talent competition – the application deadline is December 11.

A group of US ethanol producers organized a trade mission through Europe in November to discuss opportunities for ethanol. Nathan Weathers, a member of the US team, spoke about the objectives of the trip.

“We wanted to find out why the countries of Italy and Spain have been a little slower to adopt biofuels, while some other countries in Europe have adopted very aggressive biofuel programs. It seemed that Romania, Italy and Spain were lagging behind. As far as Romania and Italy are concerned, the countries do not have their own production, everything is imported. Spain was very interesting because the country has three or four ethanol plants of its own, but it currently exports over 50% of its production. Weather says the door is wide open for the U.S. to bring more corn to these countries. “I definitely see opportunities for our ethanol that have come out of the talks. The thing about our ethanol is that it can’t be just any ethanol. In Europe there is still the debate between food and fuel. It has to be ethanol with a low carbon footprint for it to be exported to Europe. To the podcast:

EU biofuels industry: Union Database not yet operational

The Union Database for Biofuels (UDB) is an EU-wide traceability system for sustainable renewable fuels

and important for the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive II. Its main purpose is the traceability of renewable fuels, renewable liquid and gaseous fuels of non-biogenic origin and recycled carbonaceous fuels. A broad alliance of biofuel industry associations refers to a recent letter from 16 EU Member States to stop the implementation process of the Implementing Regulation and thus also the binding deadline for the application of the UDB. Like the Member States, the associations criticise the lack of a decisive legal basis for implementation and refer to technical implementation problems. Press release EU:

European Climate Risk Assessment (EU-CRA)

The first European Climate Risk Assessment (EU-CRA) identifies 36 climate risks that pose a threat to

Europe’s energy and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, water resources, financial stability, and people’s health. It shows that many of these risks have already reached critical levels and can become catastrophic without urgent and decisive action. The knowledge in this first-of-its-kind assessment is synthesised to support strategic policymaking Source: European Environment Agency (EEA) – Publications

Assumptions on potentials for Carbon Dioxide Removals in the EU

The potential of carbon dioxide removal in the EU, analyzes and reviews a report by the German Environment Agency under critical assumptions on natural carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and storage potentials with regard to the targets of the EU Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LU-LUCF) legislation and the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) agreed by February 2024. To the report:

EU Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) updates

The national energy and climate plans (NECPs) were introduced by the Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999, agreed as part of the Clean energy for all Europeans package which was adopted in 2019. The national plans outline how the EU countries intend to address the 5 dimensions of the energy union:

• decarbonisation

• energy efficiency

• energy security

• internal energy market

• research, innovation and competitiveness

This approach requires a coordination of purpose across all government departments and it provides a

level of planning that will ease public and private investment. A number of EU countries have submitted

their latest updates in 2024. Source:

European Climate Risk Assessment (EU-CRA)

The first European Climate Risk Assessment (EU-CRA) identifies 36 climate risks that pose a threat to

Europe’s energy and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, water resources, financial stability, and people’s health. It shows that many of these risks have already reached critical levels and can become catastrophic without urgent and decisive action. The knowledge in this first-of-its-kind assessment is synthesised to support strategic policymaking. Source:

The German government is under pressure to stop the import of tainted Chinese biofuels. Imports of falsely declared biofuels pose a threat to the domestic industry. A loose alliance of German biofuel producers, environmentalists and lawmakers wants the government to set up an inspection and sanction system by January 1 to stem the tide of palm oil-blended biofuel. Germany and the European Union have already banned the use of palm oil for biofuels in 2023, while imports from waste-based feedstocks have skyrocketed.

Belgium, combined biogas and biomethane production in 2023 amounted to 22 bcm, according to the 14th edition of the Statistical Report published Wednesday by the European Biogas Association. This is more than the entire inland natural gas demand of Belgium, Denmark, and Ireland combined, and represents 7% of the natural gas consumption of the European Union in 2023. Considering the current rates of biogas and biomethane production, Europe could avoid 106 million tons of CO2 emissions each year, provide renewable energy to 19 million European households year-round, and fuel 533,000 LNG trucks annually.

The rollout of biogas will be key to bolster the EU’s competitiveness and leadership on clean technologies in the coming years, but also the resilience of the EU’s energy system. According to Eurostat, 98% of the EU’s natural gas demand in 2022 was covered by imports. Considering this significant reliance on external energy supplies and the resulting dependency on third parties, investing in biogases remains vital.

Brazilian state oil company Petrobras is in talks with Raizen, BP and Inpasa about a possible joint venture with four or five companies involved in the ethanol business, Chief Executive Magda Chambriard told analysts on Friday during a conference call to present the company’s 2025-2029 strategic plan. According to the report, the company’s $111 billion strategic plan for the period 2025-2029 was presented to analysts. “We need to do something big that is compatible with the size of Petrobras and we are talking to some players in the market,” the chief executive said. “We are returning to ethanol to be a relevant player in the market,” Chambriard said, adding that she saw no reason for the company not to be in this area as ethanol is the main competitor to gasoline, a fossil fuel that Petrobras says will lose market share. To the story

In Belgium, the BBTWINS project has made key developments in waste processing and valorization technologies, converting waste from the meat and fruit industries into resources that support a more sustainable, circular economy. One aspect of the research focused on ways to recycle by-products such as pig manure, skins, and bones from meat production, as well as pruning and fruit processing waste.

STX Group acquired Marine Olie, a leading trader of advanced waste-based feedstocks. This strategic acquisition strengthens the STX Group’s position in the biofuels value chain and supports the company’s vision of becoming a leading global trader in the integrated markets for raw materials, fuels and tickets.

Quadrise announced the signature of a collaboration and operational trial agreement with MSC Shipmanagement (MSC) and Cargill, paving the way for the trials on board the MSC Leandra. Quadrise, MSC and Cargill have agreed their respective obligations under which the company’s fuels, bioMSAR and MSAR, will be produced at the MAC2 facility in Antwerp, Belgium using feedstocks supplied by Cargill and then sold by Cargill to MSC for the trials. To the story:

The Indonesian government is planning to invest 1.2 billion dollars in a methanol plant to serve the biodiesel industry. Currently, around 80% of methanol consumption is imported. The plant, with a capacity of 800,000 tons, will be located in East Java. As the government continues to increase the blending requirement for biodiesel, the demand for methanol will continue to rise. By increasing the biodiesel blend to 50%, the country can cover its own diesel requirements and is no longer dependent on imports.

In India, the Universal Biofuels subsidiary of Aemetis in India successfully completed delivery of $103 million of biodiesel to the three government-owned Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) under cost-plus supply agreements for the one-year marketing period ending September 30, 2024.

Topsoe has been chosen as a technology provider and engineering partner for the Triskelion project, located in Galicia, Spain. The project, owned by the Spanish shipping and chemicals company Forestal del Atlántico, was a recipient of a EUR 49m grant from the EU Innovation Fund in 2023.

Eni and the MSC Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop joint initiatives in the area of sustainability and energy transition. The agreement covers the potential use of LNG and lower-carbon energy sources such as HVO and bio-LNG biofuels, as well as lubricants made from renewable resources for use on MSC fleets operating in both the logistics and cruise sectors.

Canada’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources announced C$5 million in funding to Squamish-based Carbon Engineering ULC under the Energy Innovation Program to support the development of new, alternative energy solutions for the operation of direct air capture (DAC) carbon dioxide (CO2) systems.

Aramco, TotalEnergies und die Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), der wichtigste Akteur, der in Saudi-Arabien organische Materialien sammelt und zu nachhaltigen Produkten verwertet, gaben heute die Unterzeichnung einer gemeinsamen Entwicklungs- und Kostenteilungsvereinbarung (Joint Development and Cost Sharing Agreement, JDCSA) bekannt, um die Entwicklung einer Produktionsanlage für nachhaltige Flugkraftstoffe (SAF) im Königreich Saudi-Arabien zu prüfen.

Terragia Biofuels, a newly formed company seeking to commercially produce biofuels using a technology, will collaborate with the Center for Bioenergy Innovation at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Dartmouth College. Terragia plans to commercialize a concept that uses feedstocks such as plant-based lignocellulose – the tough, fibrous parts of plants that are not consumed as food – to produce ethanol and other products at a much lower cost than current technology. The approach utilizes bacteria that are good at digesting and converting plant waste in a one-step, consolidated bioprocessing process without the addition of costly enzymes or thermochemical pretreatment currently used in conventional approaches to ethanol production.

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BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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