Norway sells more electric cars than combustion engines

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According to the Norwegian Road Association (OFV), the number of electric cars in Norway has exceeded the number of vehicles with a combustion engine for the first time. Of the 2.8 million private cars registered in Norway, 754,303 are purely electric, while 753,905 run on petrol or diesel. Norway, which is home to 5.5 million people, is one of the world’s largest oil exporters, reports BBC News. Norway now wants to become the first country to stop selling petrol and diesel cars by 2025. Sales of electric cars in the Nordic country have been boosted by incentives such as tax breaks, which are largely funded by profits from oil and gas extraction. Diesel cars are still the most widespread in Norway with almost one million units, but sales are declining rapidly, OFV reports. Although Norway reduced its emissions by 4.7 % compared to the previous year, the decrease was only 9.1 % below the 1990 level.

In Sweden, sales of electric cars have fallen this year, which is probably due to the fact that the government has abolished the discount for the purchase of electric cars. 

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the number of cars worldwide will increase by 75.7 million to 1.79 billion in 2023. The share of electric cars will be 3.2 % by 2023. The global share of electric cars was 3.2% in 2023. In Europe, sales of electric cars began to decline towards the end of last year and have only accounted for 9.5% of new car sales since the beginning of 2024.

Haffner Energy and Bambbco announced in France the signing of a partnership aimed at improving the availability of biomass for energy applications, particularly crops grown on marginal land. Haffner Energy has developed a patented technology for the thermolysis of biomass and organic waste. This technology produces renewable hydrogen and clean fuels for industrial and mobile applications. It also produces biochar (charcoal or biochar), a natural carbon sink, and biogenic CO2. Bambbco is a nature-based solutions company that utilises different species of bamboo to generate renewable energy, sequester carbon, prevent soil erosion, restore the water cycle, promote biodiversity and contribute to the circular economy of biomass energy production. ‘Europe is the only continent in the world where bamboo is not yet recognised for its many benefits, from regenerating marginal lands and natural ecosystems to providing a highly sustainable, renewable and competitive alternative to wood and wood residues for countless applications,’ said Pierre-Alexandre Lemarquis, CEO of Bambbco. ‘I am delighted with the forward-thinking approach Haffner Energy is taking to biomass sourcing. Together, we will be able to utilise local, renewable.

From 1 January 2025, Swiss WorldCarg will include the increasing costs for SAF due to regulatory environmental requirements in the price index of the existing Airfreight Surcharge (ASC).  From 2025, the EU has decided on a statutory SAF blending quota of initially 2% for departures from countries within the European Union (EU). Countries outside the EU are also planning to introduce mandatory SAF blending or have already done so. ‘SAF is a key technology for more sustainable flying and is essential for the energy transition in aviation. However, the aviation industry cannot drive a competitive SAF market alone. A significant increase in the use of SAF is only possible if the supply volumes and availability of SAF increase significantly as quickly as possible and prices fall accordingly. Biogenic SAFs are currently only available in small quantities and are 3-5 times more expensive than fossil fuels. A targeted political strategy is needed to ensure that companies and airlines are able to fulfil the quantities for the blending quotas and beyond,’ says the company.

Offshore Energy reports that bunkering operator TankMatch and independent liquid bulk storage provider Evos in the Netherlands have joined forces to offer methanol bunkering solutions in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) region.

With the final application deadline for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Higher Blend Infrastructure Incentive Program ending earlier this week, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) announced that it has helped fuel retailers and distributors apply for more than $200 million in USDA grants. The RFA-supported project applications are for nearly 6,300 new higher-blend fuel dispensers (E15-E85) at more than 1,150 locations across the country.

The global methanol market was valued at USD 30,9 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 38.9 billion by 2034. The Transparency Market Research report states that the market will grow at a CAGR of 4,2 % during this period. ‘The demand for methanol is expected to increase in the Asia Pacific region. The automotive, construction, electronics, and textile industries are major consumers of methanol for various applications in the Asia-Pacific region,’ the report states. ‘The consumption of methanol in the region is strongly influenced by rapid urbanisation and industrialisation as well as high demand for consumer goods, construction materials and automobiles,’ it continues. More on the topic.

Azerbaijan is currently exploring opportunities for co-operation in areas such as low-carbon technologies, waste-to-energy, green hydrogen, as well as reducing methane emissions, Azerbaijan’s Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov said at an international forum on carbon pricing in Baku. Azerbaijan is a country with great potential in the field of renewable energy and has already attracted foreign investment in the sector, which is already building solar and wind power plants. Azerbaijan is currently exploring opportunities for co-operation in areas such as low-carbon technologies.

ENOC Group unveiled its world-first innovative ENOC Link solar-powered biodiesel truck at the Water, Energy, Technology and Environment Exhibition (WETEX) 2024. ENOC Link’s new solar-powered biodiesel trucks are fitted with an aluminum tank with a 5,000-liter capacity, divided into two compartments, enabling the transportation and distribution of two distinct biodiesel grades, insuring to leave the consumer an experience that is full of efficiency, and convenience.

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced the introduction of his new bipartisan legislation to block taxpayer money from being used to subsidize biofuels produced using imported foreign feedstocks such as Chinese used cooking oil and Brazilian ethanol

SAF markets were affected by many factors this week. As well as reduced oil price offset by increased LCFS values, IATA announced the creation of a SAF Matchmaker platform to encourage SAF trading. In the US the Farmer First Fuel Incentives Act launched in Congress could put upward pressure on feedstock prices. In Europe Air France-KLM signed an offtake agreement with TotalEnergies for 150,000 tons of SAF p.a. over 10 years, indicating strong commitments and assured demand in the future.

Jet Zero Australia welcomes the Queensland Government’s support of A$14 million to advance the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) project. The jointly announced government funding is made up of A$9 million from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) under the ARENA Renewable Energy Support Programme and A$5 million from the Queensland Government to expand local production capacity and build SAF value chains in Queensland.

Nordzucker supplies Danish beet residues to Nature Energy, which produces biomethane for sugar production. Nordzucker is thus setting an important milestone on the way to CO₂-neutral production by 2050. Nordzucker will use it to decarbonise sugar production in the two Danish factories from 2025. The plan is to gradually reduce CO₂ emissions at these factories to 37,000 tonnes by 2030.

Professor Emile van Zyl, a microbiologist at Stellenbosch University (South Africa), is trying to promote research findings and build human capital to support the growing biofuels industry in South Africa and beyond. According to the report, Van Zyl’s focus shifted to second-generation biofuels, driven by food security concerns that had limited the global deployment of first-generation technologies.

Future Biogas has announced that its majority shareholder, 3i Infrastructure plc, has signed an agreement to divest approximately 23% of its stake in RWE Energy Transition Investments. RWE Energy Transition Investments is an investment vehicle, the energy trading arm of global renewable energy company RWE AG. Future Biogas has announced that its majority shareholder.

Bangchak and BSGF Co, together with New Biodiesel and Thanachok Vegetable Oil, have signed a memorandum of understanding to create a domestic sustainable aviation fuel supply chain using used cooking oil as feedstock. New Biodiesel, a leading expert in palm oil production and used cooking oil collection in the country, has a large network that can collect used cooking oil in the southern region. As part of the ‘Tod Mai Thing’ project, New Biodiesel will sell used cooking oil to BSGF to produce SAF.

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is trialling the use of a fossil-free marine diesel to fuel the Royal Research Ships (RRS) James Cook and Discovery. By using hydrogen-treated vegetable oil (HVO), which is made from used vegetable oils and fats and non-food crops, the ships’ net CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced compared to conventional diesel fuel.

Spain’s Ence Biogas expects to reach 1 TWh of biomethane production in 2030 by working with agricultural biomass, livestock and the agri-food industry. The company expects to complete 14 environmental processing projects this year 2024, mainly in Castilla y León, Aragon, Catalonia, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusi.

The Spanish Marex Group announced the completion of the acquisition of Dropet, a Spanish biofuels company. The acquisition expands the company’s product range in the renewable energy sector and further expands its global environmental products business. The acquisition is in line with Marex’s strategy to diversify its business and increase profitability.

The Danish company Dall Energy has acquired the French competitor and market leader in biomass technology Weiss France Energy and Biomass Services et Maintenance (BSM). With the acquisition, Dall Energy is taking over both Weiss and BMS, which means that the Danish company now has more than 100 employees spread across France and Denmark.

The Ukrainian VITAGRO Group has successfully fed the first biomethane into the gas transport system. This is a milestone for Ukraine and opens up new opportunities for the export of environmentally friendly biomethane. The VITAGRO plant in the Khmelnytskyi region is feeding 60-70% of the planned volume of biomethane into the gas transport system. The first export of Ukrainian biomethane abroad is expected in November.

A new study has found that methane emissions from dairy farm slurry stores can be up to five times higher than official statistics suggest – highlighting the huge potential for converting these emissions into a renewable energy source. The study shows that the methane emitted, if captured and converted into biogas, could generate more than £400 million a year in fuel cost savings for the dairy sector, equivalent to around £52,500 for an average-sized dairy farm.

BIOTECH ENERGY provides a technology that addresses the global challenges of environmental protection, climate protection and food security in one. The biotech company extracts renewable energy from biotechnological processes, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it promotes sustainable food production and processing in order to meet the global demand for food.

BIOTECH ENERGY liefert eine Technologie, die die globalen Herausforderungen Umweltschutz, Klimaschonung und Ernährungssicherheit in hilft zulösen. Das Biotech-Unternehmen extrahiert erneuerbare Energie aus biotechnologischen Prozessen und reduziert damit Treibhausgasemissionen. Gleichzeitig fördert sie nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion und -verarbeitung, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln zu decken.

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